so today i went to Water Canyon with two friends to search for walnuts. it was to be a nearby foray before heading out on a much longer trip to Nogal. what we found was
but no nuts. no walnuts, no acorns, no pinion. and at the end of the time, lucked out by the guy from the Forestry driving through who verified this. no nuts in New Mex. he was confident there would be none in Nogal either. the severe winter temps and then the hard long spring and early summer...actually till just last week's rains; hard on the trees. OK. maybe next year.
but what there Was, was sheer stunning beauty. the rains of these last few day causing the arroyos to run, causing so many small elegant streams with surprising little pools of water. causing mosses and lichen, just SO many native grasses. lizards, yearling horntoads. and
i thought about why it is i don't go up there more often and could not find an answer. it's about a half hour away, up the mountain toward Magdalena. and although Mike and Thelma are great, there is conversation. there is compromise movement. i am better at slow going, at sitting long times, watching, listening. is what i saw today. i will go again, in just a few days, take the dog and see more. but today has fed me. fed my heart and spirit. i want more.