so, i like tonight because it's usually when i begin thinking about New Year's eve. which is my really only favorite holiday anymore. and i enjoy very much the week coming of reviewing the last year. looking back, thinking. it's a very quiet, but intense activity for me. what did i do? and why? do i want to do more of it? do i want to change things? and sometimes i come up with things to do before that Eve night arrives. this, for one:
Snow. Again. about a foot of it. SO. accept that this is maybe going to be the way it is. OK. be ready.
and here. this is an awning over the livingroom window. the window to the West that receives the afternoon and into the evening SUN most of the year round. it is very ugly. a friend of the Maniac husband had a fondness for bringing me things he thought i would like. many i did. like the cobalt glass doorknob with art deco brass. a set of metal butterflies, rusted. a horse figure made out of some kind of metal like iron. the big post out this window that has all the secret language engraved on it by insects because he had heard the story of how as a child, i'd thought that was the way that my "real" family left messages for me down by the creek, the Indian family. his name was Louie. so he brought this awning one day and afixed it outside that window "for me". and although it is totally ugly, it DOES work to ease the heat. i've often thought of taking it off but then remember that it DOES work, and also remembering how happy he was to gift it.
and see the right hand corner? that little meeting of aluminum metal there is maybe only an inch wide at best. i was sitting, stitching on the grasses and saw a flutter movement...????? it was as the storm was gaining momentum, just at dusk. looking carefully, i saw a little form there and moved the curtain just a little and it rushed off. a little bird. sitting and waiting, a few minutes later, it returned. i watched as a sparrow positioned itself exactly in the corner, pressing itself against the cold aluminum, beak up, feet tucked, and wing extended. i didn't want to disturb him/her again so couldn't take a picture. instead, i've drawn it.
this is not quite right. it was more pressed, like wedged. tight up against the metal. tonight is it's third night there.
so, this week i'm going to think. i'd like to put a maybe 2" wide strip of wood along the length of that awning. imagining that it might be more comfortable than than narrow metal corner rim? but also, it would be a NEW thing and birds don't always feel comfortable with new things for a long time. maybe i should wait till after the winter. put it up in the spring, giving a lot of time before next December for it to become "just the way it is" ?
so, this is the first thing i am considering tonight. i like doing this a lot. and have 6 more days.
HERE is the Other Corner...Which would You Choose???????