that odd phenomenon...that i can SEE things somehow more objectively when the pic is here, more than when i'm standing face to face with cloth????? but, wanting to see here, how i did the integrated applique (Jude, Magic Diaries) to the top quarter of this Circle of How it Really Is. i remain with the desire to just pin things together, leave them loose. but having done this, i feel ok with it. oh, and also, the bottom right, a little, but with the stitches running vertically (top is horizontal). will finish it this way, using both directions i think. Integrated Applique has become my second (Invisible Baste) favorite stitch technique.
the room where things get born: again, Integrated Applique of the eye (which will get more stitching of lines) and some changes in the ghost butterfly....straightening, antennae and a thread bead head. THEN, a Wind came from the Raven's window yesterday and drifted over and across the Arlee moon. i cut and wove it under the branch of the ghost tree. this is now Invisible Basted. not sure if it needs more. will wait. and it's only noon.