very close to finished. a few more thread bead stars, but the stitches through the weaving are complete.
this whole "room"....many stitches. Many.
and all the while, stopping to look, think. How much do i want to make the buddha uhhh, clearer? i can see her so easily, through the Glennis window, out into the Pure Land. but that story is in my head. does it matter that no one else might see her?, she might look like just a brownish mark? Thinking.
and we might notice an addition to the picture. yesterday, i finally remembered to take the cutters and brought home some really perfect and beautiful salt cedar sticks. beautiful in that they are that perfect brownred color and perfect in that they are beautifully straight ...... in case a cloth would ever need a hanging stick. all sizes. and there are more. i have found the perfect clump. between the ditch road, the road road and the railroad tracks. who'dve guessed.