this was the longest day yet.
it began innocently and almost peacefully. but then, the momentum rose.
i don't really feel comfortable with Help. but i cannot put up all this fencing without it. and comes. i have had more company in the last days than i have had for going on 17 years. Everybody loves goats. Everybody wants to Help.
and how do you think about this? the little Julian, 2 and a half, said to his mom when we left California that night last week with all the goats loaded in the horse trailer and truck .............................."I guess they didn't want me."
how does an Old Nana deal with that?
i don't need any comments about this. really. but it is about Love and what that means. to the Old and to the New who are just experiencing it for the first time.
and today when i was digging out a bush, i can't remember it's name at the moment, but a bush that would be in the area of the buck pen and i don't know if it is poisonous to them....i killed a snake. with the shovel. not even knowing it was there and why didn't it Run Away, but it didn't and i killed it.
new life in a bigger pen. where they can RUN.
Pens. i am thinking. about pens. about How It All Is. complicated stuff.