this is the first time i have had the urge to write the post ahead of posting and re-view my words, edit, then post. but i don't really have time in this life for that. will fall out of my mind as it comes.
a beetle peeks up through the slat
and she suddenly looks up.........and when i unload the pic i see one of the Lights at the fence
so...she is Just Going. i brought her out for a ride on the Raft.
this morning i woke with the "information" given about how the potential for Everything is Ever Present. Everything. easy/hard beautiful/not toward Life/against kind/not and on and on. i received Derrick Jensen's latest book a couple days ago and have been reading a few paragraphs at a time. The Derrick Jensen Reader...Writings on Environmental Revolution. it is not easy reading. but i knew that. have all his books. but also, of anyone at all in my lifetime awareness, he is the one who Stands, Facing what he knows, and is unflinching. and then in that last post, All That. and then in so far today, how All That has turned, just enough, Just Enough, to let the light shine some where there was uncertainty about so much. So, today rises with resolve. and i was over at Michelle's NYC and her post just almost had me on my knees with Love for everything. and i have been watching the first election in Libya (and for sure, That has the potential for Anything) and whatever comes of it, they chose to have this moment of one voice, one vote which is beautiful. and then.....there is a pic of Hillary Clinton. and of all things, i felt this swell of love for her. her hair is pulled straight back all no nonsense because i assume she doesn't have time for anything and she has bags under her eyes. and i have never really liked her at all for a bunch of reasons, but here, today, i think how she has changed as Secretary of State over her term, how she has i think, maybe become a Stateswoman????? how she is telling Syria that the sands are running out of the hourglass...a poet even???? and i felt love, yes, love. even for Hillary. and, well, a lot more. but this enough. Just wanted to note the moment because it belongs somewhat to that 19 year old in that pic of a couple days ago and it belongs to Alz B and her son and to my daughter and her refugee goats . Life feels very ummmm, uhhh, swiftly turning today. i want to Mark that. i have fed the goats and it's quiet for this time and i am going to see how i can Mark this on the Housecoat. i will mark the date with a Pitt pen.