was planning on taking pics to act as verification of what's going on in my head. but, alas. the camera batteries ran out. and in accordance to the agreement with self, i have to WAIT until there is more reason to go into town. but here:
the "housecoat" from Jude's Boro 2. originally i'd intended to make a robe from the concept of the basic rectangle. but in keeping with what we NEED, i didn't NEED a robe with sleeves, etc. i needed something to cover the top half of my naked body when i wake before dawn and turn on the lamp and am visable in the windows of the Room. who, i wonder, might be up at that hour anyway?, and looking...but, oh well. naked. naked is , well naked. So, from a blouse that i liked. very thin cotton. sleeves, collar and breast pocket removed. a very favorite sheet tea dyed for the bottom, cut into 3 rectangles...2 fronts 1 back. 2 strips of cloth that pulled my attention and the intention to repeat on the other side of the front until i noticed how the very slight addition of cloth made it all heavier, and what i was looking for was as close to Nothing as i could get. For hot mornings. So, here we are. one side only. good enough. and actually, really good. i like it. it works. it's what i NEED. no more, no less. i love the combination of cloth in the strips..many are from you, Deb Lacativa....how they move in harmony with the dyed pieces from this place and the cheap but oh so appealing pieces from the walmart dollar table, designed by some person "over there" in China who would be a sister to me if i knew her.
i'd taken off the breast pocket, thinking that i would match this side with strips but then, when i decided not to, well....hmmm. what to do here? i'd been sloppy in the removal and there are two slits at the top sides where the pocket was????????????? something needs to happen here.
ok. and then, this is calling.
it seems like forever since i just worked on a Cloth. a collaged story. Magic Diaries, then Boro 2. and these odd plain pieces have been on the wall. i watch them.
and then, so much in this world. Alz B has gone to the Old Folks Home. it's here in town, up the highway toward the mountains. on Friday she went. her family all flying in to witness this. so my life will be very changed. in many ways, she has been the center of it for a few years in an intense way. before that, some. and now, not. I will go, maybe once a week, maybe less. I will go and visit, taking my Mary Oliver books. Reading to her. She has always liked this and i am thinking that will continue to be the case??? , but I really don't know. Everything has changed. So, That.
and the Goats. i'd intended to post a bunch of pics. but the camera batteries died. so here are the two little bucks of Lucky Star, Los Dados, Dice in English .
i am spending time every morning and every evening with the Goats. With the babies to keep them from their wildness that is innate. Why would a goat want to be touched??? Only because a human being wants that. For them, it is not important.
Daughter DID come and we created another space, a pen, for the three bitchy strong does. this land is being patchworked for the needs of the goats. Mending spaces that are outgrown. Last night, just after i had fallen asleelp, i was woken by their voices. the new pen wasn't secure and they were loose. Milling in the dark. it took a long time to convince them to return. i held the advice of my daughter in my mind as i tried. When i was trying to milk Ona and being really, a failure at that, she said " No Emotion". just keep going. Do Not have Feelings. just keep going.
and ok. so i did that in the Dark last night. Calling to the escapees, Come Come in a cheery hopefull voice. it took a long time, but they did come and did go back into their new pen space and i secured the faulty fencing, in the dark. I am learning a LOT. i am not sure what i am learning but i am sure it is of Good Use. and of Good Use for the Good of the Whole.