i understood something over in Spirit Diaries about my cloth making, about filters, personal symbols. i understood it in terms first of the latest cloth
how this division, some kind of horizon, rim, of Earth and then above Sky, with the figure standing, another division, Vertical amidst Horizontal. and suddenly this was connected to a longstanding symbol of ~cairns~
and what perfect timing. i knew i need to create a cairn. Solstice comes soon. This has been a challenging year and continues so. This cairn. yes.
so i began bringing stones from around and as i was picking up one from the Magdalena Mountains, as it happens, Something said STOP! i looked and there, so seemingly carelessly attached is a chrysalis.
and what is on the figure's head.....a butterfly.
so here we have it.
it's supposed to rain tomorrow but maybe there will be time and if not, then Thursday. It's been a long time since i've done something like this. Such a Long Story.