now it will rest until the other cloth is finished and then will travel a while. It will be interesting to have it gone and then return. We have work to do, this cloth and i, together.
Much of the scraps that i love are from Deb Lacativa...that greeeeeeeeen damask, the Sun and Moon. other pieces are plant dye from here, Wind is this last summer's attempt at indigo vat. the rest recycle scraps from our Thrift Shop. At the bottom, in left of pic, 7 alternating stitches of black/white thread, a red thread bead, then one more each black/white. this will be recognized in michigan. almost all the fiber figures i used to make had that mark but made with seed beads, one african blood bead. so, things circle around.
here is the ecstatic moment the other day from Jude Hill's Spirit Diaries. suddenly seeing in a totally different way, the nature of this damask, suddenly understanding that i could put those few seemingly random stitches and they would work in a way i'd never imagined. it doesn't look like much, but it was and IS and will be.