i was going to put words to each of these pics but it's too much. so, just the pics.
ok. this is one afternoon. November 30, 2012 in the BackFront.
What am I DOING with these goats? Answer: I don't know.
Acey said this to me about her experience with goats many years ago: " They often seemed to me astonished or vexed by things I could not decipher. They have such a mix of herd instinct and utter anarchy."
So...i milked for a while when i had to give the 9 little boys away to the world. but just enough to ease their mothers, but also find out that i could easily get a quart of oh so GOOD milk per goat, milking only once a day. This is a LOT. But what i decided was more important at this time was to establish relationship with them, individually and as a herd. So, this is what we Do. When you want a goat to do something and make it known to them, the reaction is often " WHAAAAT????!!!!!" Screaming and running away. and if you stand there, just stand there and wait, maybe 10 minutes, the goat will come back and say " ok, What?". there is no immediate "obedience". Goats are NOT obedient. So, for me and for them, i needed to work at making the request and response as smooth as possible. I need them to be as trusting of me as they can be. People really make no sense to them, i think. Food and Sex make sense. Babies make sense. but, all the rest?, not so much.
and then, add to the mix the fact that my daughter, to whom these Goats belong, has been incommunicado for a while. like totally. UN accessable. so the other part of the I don't Know. Having returned to school full time, working full time, maybe she is having Second Thoughts? I don't know.
So...we live our life here waking up and having a Day and when it gets dark we go to sleep. to wake again when SunRise turns the world coral/copper/pink glow. What i do know is they have changed me. Out there is Them. in here is Cloth. Somehow, moving back and forth between feel very very good. But....who knows.
and last, here is the cairn so far. the round thing is a copper float from a livestock water tank. Birds came the other day and ate the chrysalis. i have planted garlic there.