those two words are really what's on my mind today. but i haven't showed you yesterday yet. and it was yesterday that allowed the Unforseen to rise to the forefront today. so, yesterday:
watering inside the tree nest she had created
her house. to me, the most beautiful house in the world ever.
her daughter, Clellan's (who lives in Spain) chair.
i love this house. i have posted pics of it before. it's a very old adobe in Magdalena that has slowly slowly been design mended to be so totally and completely uniquely the home of my friend....who does not live there now. only comes now and again to water the yard she has so equally Care~fully created. being here with her is a real gift.
from here we went over so i could meet Ann, the other goat woman. they live a few miles out of town.
she has two does...Nubian... and one buck. both does are due to kid in April. This meeting will need to be it's own post. but it was very very great. full of promise. and then on the way back, we stopped at my other friend Janet's house. Janet was in her late 70's and decided to go back from whence she came...Minnesota. her home is empty now. for sale. cheap.
Janet's back barn where she loved and cared for a small herd of mohair goats. almost every year at the New Mexico State Fair, she won the blue ribbon for her wool.
back of her house and my friend Fancher. this depicts something that has always interested me. what we see here is dried weeds. Friend Janet has been gone only a year. prior to that she had all manner of plants, bulbs, little vegetable garden areas throughout. for all practical purposes, the land has forgotten all that and given itself over to weeds. hmmmm.
she built this pond. it had fish and lily pads
one of the rain barrels. about 3ft tall
a small house, behind her neighbor's house. a mother in law house. very common here.
and what might land me in jail. there are two of these aluminum beauties. left behind back by her barn. i want them. like, really WANT them. she is gone and maybe uncontactable. do i just drive my truck up there and take the chance???? it's theft, in a certain way, but in some other way, hmm.