so my mind is preoccupied against it's will about White. it's the first What If in Jude's Diaries. White. all day i noticed white. and i commented over there yesterday, something about how i had a sense of Air being a kind of white, i said a transparent white, but really i meant translucent. and by air i mean what surrounds and touches all edges of everything on this planet. the stuff we breathe into our lungs. Air. and thinking about this this morning, i was looking around at things in this room...the living room...looking for actual white. and also thinking about the exercise of printing a cloth i am working on in black and white using Picassa.
so...i turned to my left and took a pic of the small altar
downloaded it and the left border was too close to the basket. i went over and refilled the coffee cup, came back, maybe less than a minute? and standing in front of it now, took another and i honestly don't know what happened. all i can think of is that the rising Sun was entering that window at just a certain angle to reflect off what must be specks on the lense???? when i look at the lense, i can't see any...but...
and here it is changed to black and white