i have kept thinking about beth's comment and my response to that comment.
and i think this is an addition that is necessary. i will do it at the last day of any month for this year that i've committed to blogging every day.
the thing about how it's not all Beauty Full. how Beauty rules. but there's all the other stuff. but i have understood some about all the Other Stuff. enough so that Beauty rules.
this last month:
is it Worry? or Concern? ok...worry worked into a reasonable and good concern about the Goat hoof thing. in general and specifically about Gideon. today, when i was cleaning at my Favorite House, the farrier was there for her horses. i hit him up again. i'd tried a couple weeks ago when he was at the other house i take care of. he was preoccupied then but today, much more "available". and i talked to him long about Gideon's feet. so...this is good.
then there is Ramon. one of the wierd little chihuahua dogs. the one that is autistic. with the thing that i think is/was a cyst at the base of his neck, top of his shoulder that he has had for years and suddenly has become a really gross open sore that he works at day and night. and i mean day and night. it's totally creepy. he is probably 12 years old? do i take him to the Vet? he has hardly any teeth left. he's a wreck, generally. he seems to be in no pain. barks and does all his obnoxious behaviors like always, but there is this really gross enlarging THING on him.
and there is my daughter who remains incomunicado. sp. is she ok? Not? Here is where i work most with that thing i am trying to understand about how thoughts are really mental constructs that give rise to Feelings.
what else????, i guess that's it.
but...it's not all just this kind of LaLa Land. it is a life. but i am working at it.
addendum. and a couple times...mis understanding here. blogging. about what i meant. and then what someone else meant. and i am getting better at that too. and just to say here, that you are going to need to Trust me. and I am in turn going to need to Trust you. that we both/ All have our hearts in the right place. and we can talk it out. So....that too.