so...forward with Optimism???
ok. so far so good. here. i want to carry the colors of the edges Through....and am thinking how i can do that. the "story" that has presented is that this part to the left is "where the Imperative is kept". Where the spirit "lives" that through time, infuses the Urge for repetative or ritual actions that manifest in things like Migration. So, these images on this left side and the spaces in them would be Places Where Spirit Lives. and then, colors and form can represent a kind of "language".
am thinking a LOT about the upcoming Festival of the Cranes. and how that repetative ritual action of the birds brings the same in the response of humans who love them. we go. year after year to bear witness to their return.
and i am working outside in these last days of Warmth. Under the morning glory vines i found yet an other thing i'd been looking for. this piece of wood was found in an arroyo when i was living in Snowflake Arizona. it's one of the things i have brought along with me for going on 25 years. was good to find it.
one of the native grasses...a kind of Lovegrass. There are 19 Lovegrasses. i'm not sure yet which this is. but i love it.
this is from Sunday. at first, i thought it was a "failure". but the longer it hangs out there, the longer i see it hanging out there, i am no longer sure. it is what it is. and maybe that's Enough.
and a decision. the central pieces of cloth here is Marti's collaboration with her Dye Pot. if you remember, it was long. twice as long actually. and there was a lot of indecision about cutting her cloth. But i Want it here. and so, i did. it is a much different fabric than the silk's some kind of more coursely woven cotton. but i have begun to kantha stitch it on and as i do, it is amazing how it becomes One with the silk. it's a horizontal kantha stitch which means the "rivulets" are vertical. When that's done, i'll post a photograph. it's wonder Full and Fine and again, speaks to me of that thing of Ritual/Repetition/language of Spirit/the unknowable.
so...that's it. now let's see if all this goes through.