spent time looking at this. the "imbalance" of the Apricot Tree. the second tree ever planted here. just a twig then. Why might this be? and i made notes of it on the Calendar, so in the spring, if there are anomalies, i will remember this. and understand more. there is a young one, under her. maybe i should take her out and plant in her own space?? maybe not.
and more kantha. i kept having the urge to leave that central place of Light ummm, free. and i did. stopping, then beginning again below. the color in this pic is not at all true, but i waited too long and needed to use the flash. but, it's beautiful, isn't it. looks alive. and i am looking long at that, too.
and i read. more. way beyond page 15 and it continues to be a really excellent book. with so much i read, books i buy, there is the magnificant single thought on a page, like page 15 here, but then the rest kind of dwindles away. not with this one. amazing, her research and deep well of source.
and this is good because i have yes, a second cold. i haven't had colds for years. and now, the second one in maybe 3 months? The Old Folks Home. spending as much time there as i have been, touching so many people. we Share. Everything. cold germs too. so i went to town and got the tried and true. When the Maniac (the person i was married to) began his journey into his death, it began with a viral pneumonia which i got. and in keeping with the news of the day, i called the local "clinic" that was supposed to be for those who did not have routine medical care. Speaking to the intake person, i was told that since i was independantly employed, i would need to gather letters from all my employers (ten, at the time) and bring them in. so they could determine my place on a sliding scale. i told them i would be more than willing to pay Well Over that amount, cash, to be seen. Nope. i was so sick, i could not imagine going around collecting ten letters of employment. i didn't have the time. so i went to the big drugstore that USED to be here and in one of the departments was a woman named Grace, an herbalist. she said...Easy.
Osha from Rio Grande Herb Company.
i'm only a fraction as sick today. but i want to get it done with because i need to be doing things. so i have my bottle. Osha Root...grows wild all over here...Wild Cherry bark...Licorice root...Peppermint and Eucalyptus. if ever any of you need a cure...let me know. i'll send.