day began with such a Strong Sun. changing Patricia's Cloth in an unexpected way.
Patricia of
i heard them. in the close pasture. ran to look
click and click again. See them? Three Sandhill Cranes. They came for All of Us. and then, THREE for Jude. truth is stranger than fiction. just after that, feeding the Goats, the Crow came, flying low and calling, i repeat the call as best i can and Crow calls again in response.
centerpiece. i smile. different, in different homes. this is ours.
cloth by Jude Hill, normally, my altar cloth, today the altar was our table. Acorns from Judith of N. California.
Thank FULL and beyond.
My deepest love to all of you who share my life. How different it would be without You.
Thank You and so much, so much Love