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be sure to click twice to see dad over the fence and dog Sasha peeking through the hole he, being a Jack Russell Terrier, immediately found upon arrival....in the dark.
and she who was formerly Heather, he formerly Jon, have now totally and excellently and tenderly become mom and dad. How amazing for me to behold. Note her socks. polkadot MaryJanes over pink. her dad's favorites.
Posted at 04:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (47)
day began with such a Strong Sun. changing Patricia's Cloth in an unexpected way.
Patricia of Followingthread.wordpress.com
i heard them. in the close pasture. ran to look
click and click again. See them? Three Sandhill Cranes. They came for All of Us. and then, THREE for Jude. truth is stranger than fiction. just after that, feeding the Goats, the Crow came, flying low and calling, i repeat the call as best i can and Crow calls again in response.
centerpiece. i smile. different, in different homes. this is ours.
cloth by Jude Hill, normally, my altar cloth, today the altar was our table. Acorns from Judith of N. California.
Thank FULL and beyond.
My deepest love to all of you who share my life. How different it would be without You.
Thank You and so much, so much Love
Posted at 07:23 PM | Permalink | Comments (28)
work Away. to Alz. B's. she is busy today. busy fingering her pants hem. busy trying to take her shirt off over her head. her socks were flung on the floor. i put them back on. then, talking to her nurse, watched her remove them and fling. ok. off.
to Old Cowboy's. to take him a pecan pie and whip cream. his old dog, Rosie, has taken up peeing in the extra room. he is Beside Himself. i remind him that we all, at some point, pee inappropriately. to just give her a few days. maybe it was the Snow? to not need to make any irreconcilable decisions for a little while. This is Hard. he is very stressed.
to Laundromat.
to Grocery. bags bags bags. all the stuff of the Thanksgiving i grew up with, fed my kids. SIGH.
o o sideways. i'll fix it in a minute. but...i'd used the turkey roaster for dyeing. and it has a clink of rust here and there. and India has gotten me paranoid. so...a new one. this may be the Only time it is ever used for a turkey.
afternoon SUN
and when i was finally, really, home....What If i use the integrated applique that Jude taught us? with the copper thread?
and this morning, cleaning the Table which will become a Thanksgiving Table soon, cleaning it of all the cloth and thread...these very, and i mean VERY small fragments of cloth...like Very, i pressed them together and was about to put them aside, in the Past, i would have thrown them away...so small....BUT
look. look how they create an image of the Butterfly People! so..maybe. maybe there in that corner of the godthing altar cloth????maybe
Posted at 04:39 PM | Permalink | Comments (22)
so i DID stay home. did NOT go clean someone else's house, but put my own house in order.
ok. curtains back up after i'd taken them down to wash a week or so ago. and the first pic, that is the place where the curtain just dissolved in the wash. so i went through all the possibilities today. for Whatever Reason, many curtains like these have shown up at the Thrift Shop. i have Some.
but none were either the right size OR if they were the right size, they were....WHITE. so...TEA DYE. hung out on the clothes line for the Goats to sniff and ...yes. good. so tonight, it's like maybe a ferret would want. closed in. cozy. ok.
and all the while, This. What i really needed, more than anything. it's just how it IS. there are days when a Cloth says nothing. when it just is there, pinned, quiet. but then there are days when the Cloth hummms and i either listen or i don't. Today, i listened. i think this is how it wants to be.
Posted at 04:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (8)
i'm on some kind of roll here today. if i worked a "real" job, i would be taking what is called a Personal Day. i'm staying home. staying home to find the piece i need for this cloth, really, and to get enough wood in which will require digging under and into the woodpile as all the top are wet with snow. which is still sifting down as i write this. Son is coming from Denver. bringing a 2 month old baby girl. who've Hoped!...
so..am beginning with this, thinking i'll add to it as the day goes.
i need HEAT at that far end of the migrational corridor. i want something about that, i have no words for yet. maybe i want the godThing there....the Mystery at one end, the godThing at the other? but warmth, for sure. and in my mind somewhere is a piece of, Of Course, Deb Lacativa's cloth...which always for me holds intense Spirit. so, inbetween bringing in wood and readying for their arrival, i will search for the scrap. in the meantime, this one will hold the energy. it actually might even be The One. right now it seems toooo much. but maybe in the end, too much will be exactly It..??????? lots of questions in the moment.
then i'm thinking, Why be subtle? why not the flaming orb itself?????
Posted at 08:18 AM | Permalink | Comments (11)
i woke to this. it
quietly. the WIND that had been forecast was not present. and during the night, it snowed. silently. i slept. i didn't know. but i am sure that the Goats watched. them, not knowing either, but, watching.
same view as just the other day, but totally different
SUN did come
i made macaroni and cheese. "grandma's macaroni and cheese", my
macaroni and cheese. which we eat with katchup.
and i read that book. and THOUGHT a lot. and went to the old folks home where the Baptist Church people were singing their church songs and Alz B KNEW them and sang along, knowing many of the words, for sure knowing the tunes. it was Beyond Strange.
and then my grand daughter called with all manner of odd questions because she was filling out a questionairre about donating her eggs.
Posted at 06:38 PM | Permalink | Comments (22)
a very young dust spider has found a perfect place for first web...the Dalai Lama table.
a first. Tazmeena the cat doesn't hesitate. but she's never done this before. she has access to all soft and comfortable surfaces and chose this afternoon to lie on THEIR pillow. Selfish, we're thinking.............
and how many birds indicate Migration???? there were more, i took them away. but now, not enough. How Many? easy enough...they are marked by 3 stitches. body with head and tail feathers, two wings. but how many is too many? how many is too few?
and then. Can a moon be in the Center? why do moons tend to be put in an upper corner???? But what does it say, that this moon might be right there in the middle of it all???? Anything? Something? Nothing?
and then,
Jennann, when i mentioned reading the book that India suggested, World Enough and Time, ,,, spoke of this one. How the Light Gets In. there is a great temptation to write about the experience of reading this here. i was ready to, really, but i hesitate. it is really in it's way, inappropriate. it goes places. and to write about that here would i think be Self Indulgent.
and really...if you have already written Volumes, (me) either as a writing discipline or in a Journaling way about your childhood, about Who you are and How you came to be that....and if you have arrived at some kind of Peace with it all....i would hesitate to suggest it. She, Pat Schneider, goes Further.
and she writes about writing. about written word. about going Further in order to Write Well.
BUT as i read it, whenever she references writing...whether it be poetry, fiction, or whatever, i found self substituting
cloth making
because as i read, i realize that Cloth Making for me is a spiritual practice.
so...i don't know.
Posted at 05:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (23)
family Thanksgiving at the old folks home. a Full house. Full home cooked dinner that was excellent. Babies, little kids running table to table. Nice. Really Really nice. and what stood out was the sense of comraderie of the families, having made the hard decision at some point to bring someone there, to say...We Can't do it anymore...and to give their person to this place, in trust, today to see all the others who had done the same. it was Good.
and then a list of errands. Home. feed, break a thin layer of ice in the water bowls. start the fire again, and wait till time to go get a load of Grass hay
a lot of that waiting time looking out windows, watching the Rim where a heavy whiteness was gathering which could come as snow or rain or just dissipate on it's way down from the mountains. and looking here, the light was such that i saw that great Cottonwood stump differently, see what the Goats have done in stripping it of a lot of the bark...i hadn't noticed. hadn't been looking
it's becoming very Beauty Full. a patina occuring. and i thought about how wonderful it is that this old tree now has become this, for Goats. this is very Good too.
so all in all, a day of Goodness.
Posted at 05:56 PM | Permalink | Comments (15)