Today the Cloth rested. i watched. back and forth to look while thinking more about that question, thinking more about this Place and how that word Permaculture has risen up many things again, from times that i thought were past. that word/concept...Gaia. How time really IS elastic or fluid and non linear how what was still is. and between looking at the Cloth, i went Out and just walked around, looking, feeling, wondering. trying i guess to catch up to where i was before to where i've been and where i think i am now. it's all just moving though.... i don't know anything. i spent some time just now going back through the pics in Picasa....trying to get a sense of time...
images are markers of Something. Seeing when the Willow Tree died, When that Strange and Terrible time was in February when it was Seventeen Degrees BELOW ZERO and so much was lost. Yet so much lived, but in a different form. and then seeing when the Goats came...April of 2012. I have written that down on a blank index card that lies on the desk here. because it all is merged. I need to see it. printed in black ink on white.
this is June 20, 2012 the last time things were kind of how i knew them to be, OR, how they had been. the same month last year was totally overgown and "of it's own accord".
Now, almost midway through January, thoughts of Growing begin. it's how it is here. Some things can be planted in late February, early March so it's not too soon. But it feels very different too. Tulip died. that marks the END of a very long piece of time. marks the Finish of it. and it's different now, but i don't know how yet. So i look at this Cloth that is "talking". Telling. and i also see that the one Constant in the last 4 years has been the cloth making. Cloth. ClothMaking.
and what i seem to be coming to know is that i belong to the Feminine Energy of the Earth, Who is called Gaia. and back to that sense of Diorama which goes back to my very early childhood. If i were to go to a museum of natural history and come upon one of those mysterious and magical boxes that held the image of a Life within....there, illuminated softly would be an acre of land, the Plant People, all the creatures that InHabit. there would be Goats. there would be pots with things fermenting. and there would be a growing old woman, sewing. Making. Listening. Learning. Just Going. Small things. Day to Day. ok.
these are photos in the book....Gaia's Garden. i will not have this. it's a total Devotion. but...i already have and can Intend more of it. My Diorama. Where i Live.
this is how the earth was marked when i forgot and let the water from the hose run all night. but i look at this and see how the movement of water marks things, changes things, moves things. it is an accidental Swale, an artificial Swale. but i can learn from it.
it was really, a very very BEAUTY FULL day.