began by Looking
o KAY!!!!! ok. so, What...????? now is in the very center of Everything
a local pecan. that had some kind of Experience.
but then...maybe THIS is where i can put the seeds to germinate???? i have put them in the ROOM, always in the past. but it's cold there. probably the coldest place in this house except for this end where i am typing away on this computer. so....What about This? just behind the wood stove? and look. i'd somehow neglected to put plastic on this window...... and forgot.....
hauled in two cement blocks and a piece of plywood. set the flats to see if it might work. i think so. and maybe even, the cement blocks will hold a little heat in the night? maybe. but i think this might be it. i won't set the seeds for another couple or few weeks. but....stuff's ready.
and while working Out There, fooling with the buck Goats, i see how beautiful the Mirror Chair is from behind.
stuff begins to Connect. i can feel it in my brain. but have no idea what it is.
received my Permaculture Calendar....because of Ronnie's blog because Marti saw it through India Flint...permaculture in practice I really, really, like Australians.
it's my birth month. it's a woman in Pakistan with her camels. but it Could be ME, with the Goats, couldn't it?????? Use edges and value the marginal it says
this is the uhhhh, berm that i have been creating behind that Oasis that contains the Raft and the Mirror Chair. it was just to create some small Terraine in an otherwise FLAT space. and also to do something with debris. it's a small mound of pulled grass lumps, bark. with dirt layered from the bowls under and around the trees and bushes. But i stood staring at it. because last night, just before going to sleep, i had read this, in Gaia's Garden:
"Most of the techniques offered in this chapter involve the decomposition of readily broken-down organic matter such as grass and kitchen scraps. But most of us generate woody debris, too. Tree prunings, logs, even rotten firewood or lumber scraps. Wood is decomposed mainly by fungi, which we welcome into the ecological garden for their superb ability to keep soil moist, break down otherwise stubborn substances, and produce disease fighting compounds. We can't add much wood waste to a compost pile, but rather than burn or landfil surplus wood, we can use it to build soil, too. Here's how. Hugelkultur. In the carefully tended forests of central Europe, no scrap of wood is ever wasted. Branches and brushy prunings are used in a gardening technique called by its German name Hugelkultur, or mound culture. To create a hugelkultur, pile up branches or brush a foot or two deep in a mound four to eight feet around. Stomp on the pile to compact it a bit. Then toss compostable materials...grass clippings, sod, straw...into the pile. Moisten the pile to that wrung out sponge stage, Sprinkle some compost on the mound and top with an inch or so of soil. Then plant the hugelkultur with seeds or starts. Potatoes really love hugelkultur. The decomposing organic matter raises the temperature just enough to boost plant growth. Another advantage, as the woody brush rots, it releases nutrients slowly, while it holds quite a bit of water. You don't need irrigate hugelkultar very often."
and i looked A LOT at this....