a heart shaped wasp nest for Jude.
and then, because her son is skiing in Utah, i went a third day this week to Alz B's. Music Thursday, which i miss anyway. but since i was Away today, i thought i would take a look back at the days because i want to just stitch tomorrow and Saturday. so i went to Archives and began, but quickly lost energy for it. So, instead i went to the Picasa pics file and looked at all the pics from 2013 there. These two...i was caught by...
i printed them out so i can put them on the Wall. so i can think about why out of a years pics, these two caught me.
and just moments ago, it was for sure that the angle of Light has Changed. yes. Spring tilt. and this morning Mockingbird was back.
and today, it remains GOOD. that shred that means Faith, caught in the Net. it's good.