WIND went home. back to behind the Rim. not till this afternoon, but finally and there is a huge sense of Relief. Palpable.
the roof repair completed same time as Wind's departure. my world is my own again. Relief. Palpable.
and i needed. NEEDED to surface from under all the DUST. we remember, the word Polvadera, where i live, that word translates to Nothing but dust. or, Place of dust. and so it is. and dust, meaning the finest of sand particle...again, as i have said before, more similar to those pics of allergens...little spikey pronged molecules....these tiny molecules cling unto one another like velcro unto velcro....and there was a LAYER of them.
it's still messy. but the craziness of WIND creates a sense almost of paralysis. tomorrow, i'll undo the messiness. today, i vacuumed Dust.
and early i rearranged the seed starting arrangement. took out an entire shelf. shifted the bricks. i liked how the Starts that have remained Inside, are looking Outside. soon, it'll be time for them to go Out too.
and inbetween all this, i looked at the little drawn faces that are in that basket on the Altar.
This one in particular.