This really has me thinking.
but in this moment, i find self not wanting to think at all. I was just Out, looking around. it's almost Evening. or
it might be Evening, by the clock. Sun tho is still strong and moving slow. That Rim, waiting. As i was Out, i was taken by the urge to lie down. Having watched and listened to the link that Patricia sent the other day. Grounding. Earthing.
so i lay down. right where i was. just in front of the cold frame, near the Apricot Tree. the earth there is packed hard, it felt good on my hips, my spine. i stretched my arms out, horizontally from my body, legs spread, DiVinci style. Tomorrow night is Full Moon. Maybe i will go Out
even if it's a little cold. even if. and if it's just for a short while. maybe tomorrow i will lay down on my stomach. my Front side. my forehead to Earth.
On the website i found,, today an article called: Can the Soil Save Us from Climate Change? by Brie Mazurek ............. Which speaks to the book that came out in April, The Soil Will Save Us by Kristin Ohlson. Can it?
Work Away day, so only this much.
But Not.
It's late..nine something., late for Us....but they are Out There. their hooves clicking and clacking away, so i went out and in, With Them and they are so Funny. So Full of Themselves...flying this way and that, here and there and it's not EVEN the Full Moon. So...i let them lead me. i let them
show me stuff.
Goats. Doe Goats. i learn. Silly. i learn Silly.