when i go out in the mornings, after feeding Goats, i see these here and there in the raised beds. Toad huts. not permanent homes, just momentary shelters. here today, gone tomorrow.
Yesterday, Solstice, i moved two of the Toad Spas here, by the Child Buddha and the brass goat who stand over the baby dead Goat's grave. it will be easy to keep them filled with water when i Give Water to the buck goats. This is next to the Raft.
waiting to see what the Considering Weave Diaries will be...Jude Hill....Spirit Cloth. i have no idea, so, i think about weave but am just kind of blank. but this morning i had this image of a kind of pinwheel thing with a weaving, weaving , weaving around....made the marks. Just in case.
everything is stitched in place. Am going to just BE with it for however long. Let it say what it can. i fiddled some with the Eye of the Beholder, but not much. i like it as is. i think.
the cloth of the Eye of the Beholder...the earth cloth, and then the BLUE behind....these are from Deb Lacativa's hand, she who creates Spirit with her Colours
am looking for naturally occuring Weave out there. at about 10 oclock in this pic is a seed wad of the Feather Grass. Tightly woven, these seeds, but not in any kind of aesthetic way, pretty way....