Julie, Threadingthe dog.blogspot.com , is Wondering. Why do we blog and What do we blog about? And then there is the question of Disclosure.
The Highlight of the day is that it occured to me this morning to use those chains that are STILL sitting on that bench, to use those chains to weight down the tarp that i RAN out to cover the truck load of Grass Hay this morning when it began to RAIN. I'd looked at the little calendar box for today last night and there was a picture of a sun. But NOT this morning. Being in such a hurry, having no time to find heavy things...there they were and they work perfectly. Heavy enough, easy to maneuvre on the bales.
Home from work, i unloaded the bales, fed self and
Tay and i brought in fire wood for the morning.
some changes again. and the ants are Inside on the as yet very slender petals. one was carrying something. The light was very odd and this is the best pic i could get.
so this is it for today. I felt like i should really try to come up with something Else. But there really wasn't anything Else. Except the disclosure is that Tay and Chinche are savoring a dead and decomposing grub. They take turns flinging it arounds and then actually rolling in it..???.....duh, and the disclosure goes further that Tay's breath is creepy.
So maybe this is a perfect example of a blog post that could Easily NOT have been. Why do i post this kind of stuff anyway? Am asking self. I could just skip days like this. Maybe i will. Thinking.
it's 7:04 p.m. ONLY 7:04 p.m. but if i stayed awake longer i would need to build a fire and i am trying to conserve wood this year. So off to bed. But i was over at MO's house and her oh so FINE and EVOCATIVE post and i came back here to look and double clicked the pic of the Chain. And somehow this took me back over to Michelle's house and her latest post which i loved so much for an additional time tonight and the back again to this pic of this chain which i see as so so Elegant, the chain, and so maybe this might be a way it can go. Maybe just call them the Double Click Days. I like this. The Double Click Days.
So...go double click this pic