when i was hauling wood to split or bringing in the big pieces, i don't know, but have a sore wrist today. sometimes i am preoccupied and ignore what i know and pick up very heavy pieces with just my right hand, lift them, swing them up. I've done this before. Am out of Arnica. Maybe tomorrow.
and just now, i see that i Must be preoccupied, because i was just about to say how many Goats i DID get done when i realized there are 8 Goats...that i had divided that one scrap in two, the Los Dados, for Deb Lacativa, but then that made 8 Goats and Seven is the number...
So i have snipped off that last dark brown one. Ah well, Tomorrow. And i stitched the first of the Crows...the furthest away...up in the right corner. Was good to begin the Crows.
Spent Time looking at the Transmigration. Thinking about Transmigration, thinking about a Soul, leaving this plane to go to where ever it is that things ReForm, ReConstitute, Reincarnate. What are the ways i can think of this? What DOES an individual human soul "take" from the life it has lived and left? I've never really thought about this before. Impressions, maybe, like sounds, certain qualities of light, movement? Color? Shapes? Feelings? Experiences?, and i think, yes, imprints of Experiences. What might that be like? Vague or sharp?, Vague, i'm thinking... just imprints, not sharp image. Not specific memory of people, for instance, but the smell and sense of an infant, the feeling of how Goats "shove" and move against your legs that would say Herd. For me, for sure some kind of feeling of Wind as it moves on this planet, Wind having always felt like Life itself? Or none of the above. Other things entirely?
I really LIKE the thought of thinking about this. And thinking about this in terms of making a Cloth of the thoughts. I like it a LOT.