In/Out Dig/Stitch back and forth, often just moments at a time. Rain/Sun Rain/Sun. Restless. But i think of Nepal.
Flax. Planted in a small rock room. slow purposeful digging out of the sand floor of this room. Filling in with composted soil. Mixed together. Watered 3 times with it seeping down each one, then the plant set in. All the while, Tay lay near watching. I said nothing to her. Intending to convey that this was nothing For her. Separate. Of Itself. They had given me Flax last year and i'd left it in a pot. Didn't make it. We'll see.
to the right...that first rock room, two of the Chocolate Plants. Natives. didn't get a pic. Rain.
Looking at this today, i will continue to fill the Diamond with rock rooms. Maybe herbs. Am not so much anymore for growing flowers. But these were Given and so.
i seem to want two pics today. Just small difference between them....but still, a difference. I want to make a cloth like this "planet" that is a copper float from a livestock water tub. The colors. The abstract design that means Nothing really other than
Doe Goats spend all the planting time in the Migrational Cooridor watching, and pretending they weren't except for Onday. She just watched. It's right behind the Diamond.
during the IN times, the times of Rain, i stitched the details. Realized that the ordinary sleeves won't work to hang the Cloths to the screen, so they need small ummm cloth pieces so that the salt cedar twigs are exposed in the middle and can be afixed to the screen. Ok.
and all the while i thought about Beth's comment way back, wondering if i would include words with them. This was about House of Wind House of Sand. She said that the words made a difference. so i thought about that today. I don't know. I need to write up some kind of explanation for they are made of recycle. some straight from the Thrift Shop, some plant dyed here, some recycle dye from Deb Lacativa. About how anyone can make a Picture that tells a Story that has meaning to them out of fragments, scraps, bits of cloth and how much i love this. How i learned this from Jude...Spirit Cloth. How teaching and learning ripples out in a never ending pattern through time. and i did have a few moments to cut some twigs from the Salt Cedar for them. I rubbed off the new growth. A lot of it is still on the kitchen floor and there is the scent of it as i write this. I also decided NOT to cover the "other side" of them. There was an urge to do that to make them more "familiar". But No. The marks of the stitches ....i love them. How random they are, how without order. Like how the Cloths go together for me. Random. Out of Order. But ends up being What They Are.