and every day is Earth Day, but still...on my calender, just like Christmas and Easter and Passover, it says Earth Day. Tomorrow i will do Tonglen.
and a little while ago, Mo reminded me of the Living Shrines of Uyghur a way to keep Tay out of planted areas...
the little fencing.
i won't do the small fences. But looking, i thought about how she completely does not "see" the Raft, all the things on something for her too. She goes all around it. dragging sticks, her antlers all around but not there. Ever.
so i threw a lot of these sticks over the fence from the Way Back. There's a big pile of them...coyote sticks for fence making, but maybe i'll see if they will indicate some kind of boundry for her. spread them farther apart than this and plant at the base of the sticks and maybe inside their circle?
and some to shore up this trellis that fell apart this winter. The cucumbers will need to go here this year. They had always been where the Migratory Corridor is now.
was gone a lot of the day to Old Cowboy's so not much left by the time i got back. Printed this and drew a line with pencil to get a feeling of it
and i began. a very thin, single strand of the variegated blue and ivory...pale....barely there. Don't know if it will show up here, even with double click. Think i like it.
Just to see how it might go. Have 10 days Max to be ready.