cynthia is always there with the offering of Gentle Day and today, the gentle day came.
Off to cat duty at Allan's early but that takes about 20 min. Home to rake out the space where the Alfalfa goes and the delivery of this months 1/2 ton bale. Me doing a good job of directing her to back the truck up for drop off on the pallets. Last time i was very crooked. Today, all lined up.
looking long at the tail and it just wasn't going to work, so i cut it off and took a nap. Woke, just being Still for a long time, watching the light in the window.
stitch the tail instead, and it's Good
begin a leg
scrub all the buck's water tubs and fill.
and later today
how we identify with departed souls. I watched the sky, thinking how today Old Cowboy's physical body was traveling to Albuquerque for his cremation. Thinking of him, his oh so wasted physical body that was in those last moments, so just skin and his mouth was open and his eyelids were so tender. And i thought how if They would let me, i would have brought him here and buried him, his plain body, let it feed this this Earth.
it was a Good day. a Gentle day.