yes i DO have a cold. and YES, accuweather did lie about today.
Off to work away and all day it rained some. Not off and on, but Some. Constant. And what Accuweather failed to mention, was WIND. GREAT WIND. constant Wind with Great Gusts.
had i seen the alert to this yesterday i would have brought wood in. Not. So, feeling crummy, i go out and bring in a few pieces at a time, dressed in one of the Old Cowboy's down jackets that he bought and never wore. Silly, because it's not that cold. But I AM that cold. I AM Very Cold.
this morning i realized that i have not been using the Wall? Why? i guess the Pockets? But is GOOD to see this way.
so i'll wait until just dark. It's too early to go to bed but i don't care. Will be bird like.
read awhile, then into the lap of Mother Night