i used to say that to the grandkids when mid morning came, breakfast finished, restlessness rising...
GO! Make yourself a world.
squatting and crawling around Out There today, i remembered that. so while i dug for the trees, i washed the rocks and rearranged some, moving earth with my hands....make yourself a world, grace, ok.
watered the old Child Buddha garden, now the Cairn garden. Looked. here is where some of Nancy Krampf's Canyon seeds will go...which?.......or maybe the woad?......
parsley, Just Going
chocolate flowers...two plants...have said Yes and settled in
one Vitex
i like this because my shadow looks like one of Jude's characters in patchwork
second Vitex. I talked a lot with Tay about how she really needs to just look. Which she has been, looking a LOT...standing over...looking....the freshly dug soil interesting her, a lot, and i talk to her, and we hope it comes out ok....
if it does and they take, in a couple years it really will become a Wonderland. BEES LOVE VITEX.
and in all the secret places....around rocks, the in betweens, these seeds of Black Hollyhock from Jill in Montague, California....i crawl on hands and knees with a kitchen fork...an eating fork, scratching up the earth, scattering seed. Jill's seeds.
Go make a world i told the kids. I told my kids that too.
"they" say that we never veer from the self we were as a young child. That what we loved then, we always love, whether or not we acknowledge that love in a life time.... I made worlds as a kid. They were worlds that made sense to me. Here i am, making a world, one that makes sense to me.