all began simply water...
double click. Two friends. I give water and two friends benefit and give me back, benefit. Merit.
day continues and i check off stuff on my list, feeling pretty fancy.
i think how patiently Cloth waits. I go along, doing, and all is well, better than well. Travis is coming because i realized that i can't play a DVD. The other day he came and we saw that the new computer didn't have the correct hardware so it was ordered. Arrived today from my most loved UPS driver Terri. I called Travis. Left a message. It's here.
Continue to go along, still feeling fancy, and still feeling like everything was....well, how i wanted it to be till i ran water in the bathroom sink and heard something that was NOT RIGHT.
i feel the pipe and there is this HOLE, this HUGE HOLE in the U joint. Go out to the Albatross and find the pipe wrenches...get them part way off but then so unsure
Travis comes. finishes taking them off. Tomorrow i'll go to the hardware with these pieces and they'll give me what i need. Sunday Travis will come back and put them together.
At first i thought O!...what an imperfect moment!....O! but then i realized how perfect a moment it was, when Travis was already coming to install the DVD thing...could not really be MORE perfect and so OK. We just go. ok. and ok and ok and ok.
The reason i wanted to use a DVD function is this:
i don't know how i came across this. ???? But i did and i ordered it. And it's the reason i wanted to be able to use a DVD. And i just finished watching it. And everything makes sense in it's own nonsensical way. I am Grateful for a Lot of stuff. Grateful.