this really Great In/Out box on the wooden big box next to the Morning chair. the bottom shelf...papers, old mail, a print out for Peter Reinhart's Napoletana Pizza Dough Recipe that's noted: From Deb G 8~2013...which i kept, and this...! Georgia O'keefe!!!!...had no idea where she was....found....this crow...but 2/3 i put in the trash thing for burning. That was the bottom shelf. It's empty now. the morning. If there is a place to put stuff, stuff gets put there. In the morning i'll go through all that and move it or ........ I will need to do this every day now. More than just this....every day now. and the really great In/Out box can go back to the Thrift Shop where i scored it.
on curtain in afternoon Sun
and i noticed, when dumping water tub for Nogal and TenZen that 2 slats of the fence were loose...pushed out and very loose. They scratch their "horns" the case of Nogal, some very horn like scurs, and for TenZen, just the bones of his head where horns Were, but no matter, they rub them, scratch and itch them against any useful surface and i guess there. Not good. two slats gone is enough room for a Goat to get through and i guess too where the neighbor's dog, Pit Bull, whose name is Mama comes to check them out. They walk in the evening with her, Mama, and Tay goes crazy at the big gate and i hear them calling her...Mama Mama, No, and now i know what Mama is up to. So in the morning, that fix. Have the battery for the drill charging on the sink counter in the bathroom.