but still....so much to understand, to well...just see.
in the morning. For the first time i know of, Oona is ON the right side branch of the fallen Tree. It's UP...about 3 ft above the earth...she must have jumped up on the base and walked out there. Everyone appears to be taking no notice, but that's just deceptive. They knew.
late morning, it was Onday. Onday and Arctica challenging. All through the afternoon. and
inspired by it all, Just Going and Celia. Look at her beauty Full form, Just Going, her head butting form. Just Going who has been experiencing some kind of very quiet challenge over the last few weeks...waiting always to be the last to come through the cooridor, being chased away from feed bowls, being the last in the order of things. Usually there is just upper and lower. groups. but it's been Just Going...in some separate category and one that she was buying into for whatever reason.
Look at her beautyFULL FORM, focused, heading in for the hit.
All this. so deliberate but so just like talking. Communication. The contacts were sure, but soft. Easy.
Took the Magic Diaries down and began cutting off all the stray threads to make space for what is NOW.
it looks like acres...miles....such an Expanse of just going
i took this pic for Alyssia, actually. To show her my effort of practice packing. But then thought....
looked at it and wondered...What would CHANGE
if i was smiling? Double Click
they met today with a local Solar Company...local being really local, Oroville. He loved the Hill and saw only potential. The Electric company charges $1,200 to even come to give an estimate for running electric power. What it costs is a mystery until you pay that amount. Non refundable if you decide you don't have enough money. This local Solar guy will submit an estimate to them on Monday. Being local and being "small" it's all up front. Other larger Solar companies have payment plans. It's my HOPE that the amount given on Monday can happen. I'm not so much at all about payments. They are a drag on energy. So if anyone who has any surplus energy can, please cross your fingers for an estimate on Monday that can be met. Even if it's a little scarey.
Alyssia's house will be the main bub of electricity. It's where the washer and dryer are...remember there will be a newborn...lots of washing. It's where the freezer will be that all of us will use. Otherwise, i don't use any significant amount of electricity. Daughter Jenny, her man, minimal. So
crossed fingers, Please?