mostly, i pulled Kochia. would wander away, thinking to think or do something specific but then it never would happen. Thoughts would begin but dissolve. Doings would be approached but dissolve before i got there.
I watched some on this screen off and on and thought about how what we do now, when we are afraid or when something is deep in our heart, we March. We gather and March. How strange, really.
the Giant Sage, out in the Front Oasis i saw, has grown such thick arms up from this Earth here. It will be there forever now. It's next to the Mirror Chair. I thought to cut some pieces and make a smudge stick but then just took this one sprig. The fragrance is intense. I played it a small song and will leave it here to dry until some moment i want to burn it.
the Mirror
back and forth to the Raft. Will take the diamond stick.
daughter Jenny called this morning early before setting out. She talked again about how the Hill seeps. Sweats. scratch the earth in some places an inch and it will seep. I think how before Us, nothing was "built" there. There is the original road, a path really, that they follow to someone's originally imagined homesite at the top where her home will be. No one seems to know that history. Before that, maybe only the Yahi people. Who didn't "build"....just lived. Do you remember the story of Ishi, Last of His Tribe? Oroville is where he appeared from out of the wilderness. Maybe he walked that Hill. Slept there. Knew it. Not all of it seeps. really, not much. but there are two places. One is on the road/driveway that needs to be strong. The second is closer to Alyssia's site for her home.
So today was French Drain day. They have been watching the water, it's movement, it's need. How to learn the way of that water, give it something it likes, see if it likes it.