getting used to Plan e or even f or g....good thing there's a long alphabet
not thinking it would be needed, we put the Goat Boat against the fence and cut the fence. Which meant that Jackie couldn't back her truck through to get the half ton bale into the Albatross. And so. Plan something else, i hauled some wood over and that half ton is now here. Today i bought a tarp to cover it. Rain is coming day after tomorrow. The other big tarp had been used for Gideon's house. ok.
getting used to trucks as Landscape Elements
hosed out Tay's old house for being Gideon's transport crate. It's the biggest. The tarp for the half ton bale is metalic on one side so will be able to cover the crate in the truck.
this is MY DAUGHTER. spawn of me. Driving a rented Bobcat. Figuring out how it works and then filling in a Looooong expanse of terraced space that the good man Nathan created and then bailed. How amazing. i am beyond proud. She bought a hat.
Alyssia. HER daughter, second from me, who got good at it too. INSIDE Alyssia is Emrie, not yet born. Listening through her amniotic fluid. I am beyond. beyond Proud.
We Rule.
We talked. after their long day. Talked about how maybe Gideon can go in with the Doe Goats. He is so old for his kind. For sometime now he has displayed no Buck energy. No vocalizations. No Urge. I don't think he would be able to mount a doe. He is over on the side now, because of Plan e or f or whatever, he is in his own space but where he can watch. He's seeming ok with this, but we talked this evening about how maybe he might be able to go into the Goat Forest with all the doe goats. How GREAT would that be for him. He is the most Excellent Goat Ever and to live out his days in the midst of all those just so great and FULL that might be? So...maybe.
and the frog they see...Sierran tree frog. Julian has taken note. There was also a snake.