first, Our Tina.....
these pics were taken off my monitor screen....her photographs were much nicer...but we do what we know how to...and what's important is
Here is Our OWN Tina Zaffiro next to her quilt that was juried in to the Cherrywood Lion King Challenge that is traveling the country. The Exhibit was part of a larger Quilt Show and she and a friend were able to travel to Duluth to be there. The bottom pic....she and another artist were able to sign books for the Exhibit. How GREAT, Tina....this makes me SMILE!
for more on the Exhibit and its ongoing itinerary goggle Cherrywood Lion King Challenge. YAY TINA!
here in the desert, we go in a different way. Travis and Everett DID come and i watched with a little heartbreak as the big futons moved out. NO heartbreak about the old mattress and boxframe....and just absolute WONDER that under neath it all, in the space that wasn't high enough to vacuum for YEARS, was
nothing but a lot of dust, a few old socks, 2 quarters and some boxes of floor tile that i'd forgotten about being there. and also a complete unopened set of Videos ...Centennial. The whole of it. I think 10. The old Cowboy collected videos, remember? Had hundreds and wanted me to have this, saying it would be invaluable someday.
The GREAT thing....not a single "eeee" thing. Not a single insect. Not even the tinyiest spider. I had envisioned the possibility of all manner of creepy things, but no. Nothing really but dust.
And so. another lesson learned.
here it is. The frame for the box frame will go out to the albatross. That grey thing, i forgot, a box with cutlery....a wedding gift to the husband person and i. Why was it under the bed? Those are the utility shelves that i'll take. On the right, the two bottom clothes. In the next days i'll pull out the totally creepy area makes me that totally synthetic substance, but also all that i had money for at the time...years cover the even creepier carpet underneath. I'll pull that out too. And Travis and Everett will have to imagine what's next. I've thought off and on about this day...with the gigunda queen size bed gone, i wanted to replace it with bunk beds. Twin size. I would have. But now.....
i love this pic. It's full of possible story. What's going ON here??????????? I could write a book, beginning with this image. It's the little fold up bed cot kind of thing i got from Amazon when everyone was coming last summer. Small. This is my totally belov~ed bottom sheet. The heavy scratchy cotton kind ....this one and a top sheet i launder at Bill's house every week while i work there. On this little bed it's huge. The mattress is wrapped in it...under and then over with excess tucked in. Don't know how i'll work the top sheet. But you can's
I'm used to being way up there, right under the window, right under the breeze if there is one. What's that going to FEEL like tonight? The Lama said: " Everything has a front and a back. The bigger the front, the bigger the back." And here we have it.
This makes the reality of Change, real. Alyssia sent me a pic of herself out There on the Hill, her profile...Emrie's Place... I wish i was already there. Am surprisingly so Ready to go.
just a little more with Agency. and i should say that the Agency i am working on/with isn't my own agency, as in my own particular space, ....that i HAVE that. But rather it's the sense of Agency in the context of my society, my country, the US of A. It's about That agency, the agency of a full citizen in's That agency that is so in question in these days. I'd thought it was a Given. an Inalienable Right. ?????? can't find that. does one go?.....strong in personal agency and helpless in the larger sense?