the Tuesday Work Away and i'd had an email exchange about time and when i got there, he was running late, had yet one more additional tub of cement to put under the house which meant that half way through he needed to come in and walk over what i was/had cleaning cleaned. It was so so tempting to say okey dokey. DONE with this. It's every other Tues. and he knows Grace's GONE....but that's somehow fallen to the wayside, he's disorganized for his own reasons, but well...i remain organized for my own reasons, today wanting to go and get done and get back to watch Sessions.
anyway, that and it's hot.
just definition. more graphite, a little ink. Mostly the Crow. it's a hard cloth to keep the integrity of the darker cloths and the drawing
and i filled out papers that i up loaded from the Probate Court of Sandoval County here. When the "i was married to" person was last in jail, he wanted me to buy an acre of land in Cuba, NM from a young guy who was there at the time. The i was married to person was a mentor in those situations. He was so charming and charismatic. This young kid was incarcerated on a first drug offence and his girlfriend was pregnant. He wanted to sell this acre of land he'd been given by his parents to give to her. I bought it, little by little with a loan from the Old Cowboy. We called them Refrigerator Loans.
I would pay them slow but sure.
It's a beautiful piece of property up there in Cuba, its problem being no water. We went there a couple times to find info re getting water and it's not worth going into here, but it's an issue. It's on a small pond that is filled by run off from the mountains. Fish and Game stock the pond with trout. Elk wander across it. It's far enough north to be almost like Colorado. But point is here, these are the details i need to pay attention to before i Go. Even tho he has been dead for uhhh, over ten years, i'd done nothing about it other than to pay taxes. So now...while i'm in New Mex, i need to do something and i have contacted the probate court there and uploaded forms and need to fill them out and get them notarized to get it put in just my name and i am so resistent to all this paperwork but......
so that is today