back in the early 70's....James Lovelock...the Gaia Hypothesis
i can't find it. and maybe it's gone. but there was a publication that had a synopsis of this...i had it...where did it go? Maybe it's in one of the book tubs, for moving, or maybe it went, in one of the purges???? But it has remained strong within my sense of things since then
so we will just rely on Wikipedia for now...
"the Gaia Principle proposes that organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic self regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.
in 1971, microbiologist Lynn Margolis joined Lovelock in the effort of fleshing out the initial hypothesis into scientifically proven concepts, contributing her knowledge about how microbes affect the atmosphere and the different layers in the surface of the planet. She objected to the widespread personification of Gaia and stressed that Gaia is "not an organism", but an "emergent property of interaction among organisms." She defined Gaia as "the series of interacting ecosystems that compose a single huge ecosystem at the earth's surface"
so this is where i want to STAND right now....this one, even more...the Primordial and Eternal Feminine. It's so exhausting, all that is unfolding, so much and i look at the exodus of Rohinga from Myanmar, just for contrast to the uhhh, well...whatever, here....flood, mud. walking, needing water, needing food, needing Ground....on a Planet.
the thread beads...Jude Hill...most easily seen this way
but the color...most true, here