look right about in the middle, click, maybe double click a Perfect grasshopper leg. Perfect. in form, design. The kittens had left it for me, near their bowl that i put food in. It's so beauty Full, everything about it just so.
yesterday and today i couched oh so, oh so, CARE fully the single threads of the Thread Wads. The just Wild bits that had Wild threads....to try to keep the Wildness. Something is always lost with stitching down but if you don't stitch down, things fall off, fall away and something Else is lost....
and then...i used Deb's dirty thread to stitch one of those symbols that i have had for so so long, the Thing that is Spirit made of Wind, the symbol of Essential Beings from back in my "doll making" days. And beside form, the using of Deb's Thread was an experience in itself...how it is Alive. I think about how she came upon this thread and saw it for ALL that it is and then makes more. This to me is how human beings can Dance with what they Have, Dance with it and in that way Talk to the Universe??????
Time changes. The Circle begins gaining momentum....as the crickets drone their single note
Nights are "cold" now. Here in this moment, the fan remains On. I'll turn it off when i turn off this screen in a few minutes. But the screen door remains. Somewhere in the middle of the night it shifts and i pull up the sheet and then soon after i pull up the doubled cotton cover thing. Still i sleep naked. but in a while more, i am wishing i hadn't. When i wake at that 2 oclock give or take time, i will decide whether or not to pull the screen door aside and bring the Outside Door Closed. I don't want to. it disconnects me with All The Out There, disconnects me with the Goats. But it's getting cold at night. October is when i begin burning a fire.