I read it. sometimes only a paragraph. Sometimes a few paragraphs at a time. I do this because he, a scientist, a winner of the Nobel Prize, a physicist, He and i have the same question.
"Our question is a most natural one, in the context of spiritual cosmology. If an energetic and powerful Creator made the world, it could be that what moved Him--or Her, or Them, or It --- to create was precisely an impulse to make something beautiful."
i needed some string to tie up a ball of cloth for the oak gall pot. All my string is over and down the road at the Storage Place.
i thought to look in that shallow basket that accidentally was brought here with those few baskets of cloth, the shallow basket that has needles and old reading glasses and i thought just maybe there might be a thick thread so i got to it and looked and
yes, there was just a short, but long enough piece
but also, folded carefully in the bottom was what?, i pulled it out and unfolded and oh, eeeee. From i guess 7 years ago? or so? From close to the beginning of Jude's workshops, Jude Hill, Spirit Cloth, from the beginning for me, 8 years? And this was something i wanted to make for Wendy Golden Levitt, for her to wear when she was with her children, I had just come to know her too, come to know her children and i wanted to make her this "prayer shawl" but i didn't know how to go from here and as i looked at it today i realized how much i have learned from Jude, how much confidence i have now in What Ifing, in Just Going and i am so so energized to continue with it.
Wendy looks here. So...Wendy, just forget what you are seeing.
and i almost forgot, how interesting....
i did what i have been afraid to do. This Hill is steep. I have old vehicles. I have been walking up groceries, ice for the refrigerater, dog food etc when alyssia isn't coming. when she is, i unload it at the bottom of the Hill, at the gate, and she loads into her SUV. If she is not coming, i walk it up. Using Emrie's stroller. It would be a good UTube movie. Old woman with wine cantalope and dog food going UP HILL in stroller. The Honda car has some kind of rear wheel issue. it's a 1986. I need it to last as long as i do. Am not pushing it. Sunny, the Toyota truck, 1983 however has no issues. But i have been afraid. You have to Just Go and not stop. Go. I have been afraid. have chosen to walk. or depend on Alyssia. It's been put off. How i am. But today was the day. OK. and we did it, Sunny and i and it was really no big deal. Done. And now will be just how it is. And i look at this. How i am with fear. That it's fear until i face it and then, it's no longer fear. Pretty easy.