i watched. From the beginning to the end. I'd not planned to. Had told self i wouldn't. Would read about it later. But i watched. All day. Alyssia had appointments about school, so for the most part, it was me and Emrie until the bus dropped Julian off at 3:12. And it was still going. He asked me about it. I tried to tell him, "in five words or less". Meaning being concise. But he already knew things about it. He's 9. So, i watched all day and it's dark now and i don't know what i can say about it all, other than i had never imagined, EVER, that this would be at issue in this United States of America. I think how it seems that this angry entitled man will be making decisions for All of Us when Emrie is 21 years. When Emrie is a woman. I will be dead then. But Emrie will be a young woman.