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what the Wall is really for. For waiting, till cloth begins to talk. i have said that. and maybe it sounds kind of frivolous...cloth talking...but it does. I wait and listen. try different things, wait, see if i am hearing correctly....listening for what else. It's how the Making goes for me. Nothing known in advance. Waiting, listening.
Butte County Sheriff's Dept posted a video of a deputy's body cam. Maybe the only one. A man walking, breathing. Loading his 3 human beings into a rescue truck. Just Going. He was just going. No room for him.
MUCH RAIN today and WIND. daughter Jenny always said there was not so much wind here, and me, who is married to Wind...well.,,,,,WIND. Alyssia had sealed the roof to this travel trailer about a month ago. Thinking all was well, but today
came and ripped up the vent cover over the kitchen...a one foot square space into which Rain came. A total bummer as she is working to get her stuff done for her schooling, but she came and once again, there is a tarp all over the top.. But now as i write this, it's covered and secure. There are flash floods across the Burn Scars. Not here, but nearby.
Posted at 05:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (11)
please see Marti's comment on yesterday's Post
and TINA...look to the left sidebar of that article...Related Articles...Editorial: Camp Fire relief efforts spread hope.. of all things, UKULELES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to Us, Tina is a part of a traveling Ukulele Group that brings Song to homes for the Elderly
Posted at 08:35 AM | Permalink | Comments (4)
PVC. cut with hack saw. i measured well enough. OK. This is just so GOOD. Left side needs to be hemmed. Sleeve at top only pinned, that. But it's going to work and can also serve as the Shop until and if i ever figure out how to post pics there.
a pearl bluegrey Sky today and intermittant SUN. And i am glad for the evacuees. There is good and true cooperation going on with many that would help mitigate the destruction of the Fire. Unusual alliances . But these are unusual times.
Posted at 04:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (25)
it's a cotton canvas drop cloth. Cut. originally 4x12. This was too big. I do not measure well. It will need to be washed, to get the fold lines out. Washing will of course change it's character
the shorter piece. Better. Saggy. String i got is too thin, weak. But also, i think maybe i might need to use some kind of tubing for a rod like thing? I think there's some pvc out there....maybe.....
but it works. Very Good Enough. It is in front of the bathroom door, but you can duck under it. And kids came this afternoon so i folded it upward and pinned it so Emrie couldn't pull it All was well. And now they are gone, and i unpinned and let it down. It's only 5:29, but DARK. Raining. Dark and raining. With the light of the battery lamp we call Poppy, i can Look. This is Very Good. This is Great.
Posted at 05:39 PM | Permalink | Comments (17)
Later always disappears before you get there. No more. No more Later. And part of that today, begin finishing Cloths. The ones kept till later, waiting to decide. Time to finish and get them in to the Shop. There are many things that need Doing.
one of the mornings at the Fairgrounds Overflow Field, i woke to knowing how i could make a design wall. Big Enough. I bought what i needed today, eye screws, heavy string. I look forward to making it tomorrow.
This morning i woke, filled the kettle. Lit the stove and made Tea. All the while being INSIDE a place where i can stand and move about. Where Tay sprawls on the floor. I walked some feet and peed in a toilet instead of walking through the field to the far away portaJohn. Just a few steps and Inside. No rain. Opened the door, let Tay out. Let her back in. No leash.
Posted at 05:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (20)
to wake, from the refuge of sleep to re-knowing that you do not have your favorite spoon. Your good pot for making soup. no way to make fire to make soup.
i knew this for 10 days. But i could come back to them. I have learned things forever.
Suzie Yonts belongs to us, a fiber Woman. Is Kin. in refuge from Paradise. We need to wait here for her, until i don't know what. But until. As long as that takes.
i always just assume people read all the comments...and really, i know i guess that that's not always true. So, in case you missed her comment, Suzie Yonts is a fiber artist who lost her home to the Camp Fire, Who lost her community of Paradise, California. This same fire that i am talking about. She had to evacuate and is staying with family in Davis.
I was touched deeply that in the midst of this, she thought to comment here. it made everything even MORE personal for me. It is my hope that We can be some of a community for her here. I know we can.
Posted at 09:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (22)
lichen and mosses. i saw them some when i came last year, but didn't know how to SEE them, this time around, i know more, know what i am looking for. Just 3 days of RAIN and they have begun their circle of Being, having waited.
Jenny came today and we worked all day. Unloading what had been loaded. Beginning to do what needs to be done for Next Summer. Beginning to work the Goat yards so they can be easy loading. In case.
Catching and loading the bucks was harrowing. They have large yards. Like Large. Which we want them to have. But this makes emergencies close to impossible. In the effort to catch them for this move, many times, both Alyssia and Jenny went down. Falling. Moving them, Falling. Either of them could have been hurt. So now we know. We figure it out. How to make it better. Better for Them, better for us. We begin. All the while, as we worked, we talked about how to make this less vulnerable. Things we can Do. A lot of it all is still LUCK, but there are things we can do.
Talkie browsed with her herd. Her color was deep with the rain but she fluffed herself frequently and churred and wandered.
none of the Goats are less from their experience. Sunny Ray has a little limp. I kept counting them. 12. counting 12. yes. 12. We had left no one behind. 12 doe Goats. 4 buck. Yes. We are all here. All here and ready to find ways to Just Go. OK.
Posted at 05:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (26)
they said goodbye to her, by name....goodbye, Talkie. She had layed her egg just earlier. It was still moist. Rode home in the front seat of the Honda Car.
Raining. We couldn't pull around the back where they had disembarked. They were concerned about mud. So, along the front, some distance away. Quite some distance. And every Goat was carried, one by one except for Ona who walked all the way and Caroline, who walked part of the way. They carried the bucks, the BIG stinky bucks. Volunteers. In the Rain. So there are 600 animals, minus now 16 and they still, after a week, carried them. Gently. Lovingly. CARE fULL y.
and so we drove. Again, without any working taillights on either trailer, so needing to stay close and just behind. The Rain and the Wind. We drove. Turning onto Olive Hwy, and along and then again on Old Olive Hwy and down and to of all things, CareFree Way. Not one of us knows how to back up a trailer. That's the other thing they did, get in and back up the trailers for us, with smiles and kindness, such kindness, not a glimmer of "oh the dumb people"
and too much to tell, but we managed to pull UP the Hill, get buck Goats unloaded and in their Places, UP again and free the does. Bringing Talkie. Jenny went off to get bedding straw for all and came back and it was distributed and Talkie's Egg House filled with straw and her let loose, going up and down her ladder, in and out, the buck Goats sheltering in their tarp tents, the doe Goats running back and forth.
tomorrow or the next day, Alyssia will bring back Tazmeena and Puppy.
We are Here, now. In the next days, we will ReView. How it went. How it might go "next time". We will LEARN from this.
Posted at 05:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (42)
it's about 2 acres. Enough for 2 or 3 sheep. I'm thinking 3, because a "flock" seems to be more than two? Would 3 feel like a flock to them? I don't know much of anything about sheep. There are still around 600 animals over at the Gridley Fairgrounds. A lot of the horses have been taken out. Horses are more uhhhh, appealing. Sheep and goats, not so much. They still though, come to the pen fence, put their faces up....their eyes.
there is so much to think. it will take a long time to think it. let all the threads weave.
go to Utube and type in Mercy Now Mary Gauthier. Maybe Jude can put it in the side bar.
i spent this day reintegrating all the stuff i took. there is an odd feeling to it all. I am looking at what i had not appreciated before and seeing it with all new eyes. Comparisons. Compared to a car, this place is a palace. Even tho the refrigerater is broken, if you put a block of ice in it, it holds. Even though it is what it is, it is DRY. All my cloth is DRY. I slept in a DRY place with a DRY pillow.
i washed stuff in the sink with hot water that i got from clicking on the propane heater. washed all the dishes left from when we Gathered Goats and Left. Fled. We Fled. i think of that word. Fled. hmmm. we did.
midday, no rain. I went down to Lakeside Market to buy ice. All was gentle. Now, rain begins again and i hold no feeling about this now. Not like last year, when i came. Now, i hold no feeling. Rain. How Rain HOLDS things here.
Posted at 04:21 PM | Permalink | Comments (27)