the FOUND Goats were posted on a couple different FaceBook sites. There is a rule with them, that the animals need to be available to owners for 20 days from the posting. 20 days would be close to forever to keep these 2 very Buck Buck Goats. Jenny got a call. A woman in a town just over. She didn't have any goats, would be interested in keeping them those 20 days, learning about goats and hopefully, if unclaimed, keep them. PERFECT.
Jenny and i found the collars we have, the leashes and directed them into the Corridor over there, blocking exit with yet one more cattle panel. In short order, we caught them. This is where horns come in handy, collared and leashed them, tethered them to fence posts. Alyssia arrived. Emrie was put into the passenger seat of the truck with just a regular seat belt, sat, a very serious girl, and they loaded the Goats in to the back of the truck, alyssia and jenny at the ends of their leashes, Julian riding guard and i drove us down the Hill where we waited until the people came. Very nice young couple, they were late because they had picked up a puppy in Chico. Transfered to kennels in their truck, a good exchange, including her asking if we'd named them, i said Concow and Magalia and she flinched....not Magalia...and said they'd lost their home there. Were living with the inlaws on a ranch. Probably would stay there. We all were silent for a few moments, thinking about Just Going, and then it went from there....they talked, we talked, we said we would be so available for any questions, we exchanged info for anything in the future and they drove off. Her Thing is to rehome. It's what she does. Take beings, have them veted and keep them for the right moment. Back up the Hill, this time, Emrie got to ride in the truck bed, her first time. She was like it was her destiny. Goat work. Maybe it is. and Maybe it will be. Feed unloaded and put up, the doe Goats were turned loose.....they burst out...their days of lock down OVER
and so we go. From whatever it IS to whatever is Next. Just Going.