the new terminology...atmospheric river. The California Weather blog i read referred to what's happening this week as Dual Atmospheric River Phenomena. and Wind. as in, WIND. so. There is no break in it. It doesn't rain for a while and pause then rain more, it just Rains. DOWNPOUR , non stop. Heavy, weighing things down. Like tarp houses. Like chickens that are just trying to walk around. Like Everything. It;s the hardest part of California for me. When it's days in a row. Like it's been. Fortunately, for her own reasons, Alyssia has come and for the worst two days, has fed. She wears the good rain gear that we share. Hood up. Pants with suspenders. Mid afternoon the Doe Goats lost it. Made a run for it...out of their shelter and through and Up and disappeared for some time then came running back, calling out all their distressed sounds, back to the shelter, only to repeat a few more times. Frantic and Loud. Stressed. I am here with Emrie. Can't leave her in here alone. Or, i guess i could, but i won't. So i wondered for a few hours if their shelter place that has wooden walls, but a tarp roof had caved in..if they had no Shelter From the Storm? I message her. Check first upon return.
it was ok. just wet from water run off. As was Sunny Ray's and Jack's tent. She went off to get bedding straw. Got it in place and we have tomorrow of Repeat. Then somewhat of a reprieve back to normal rain the rest of the week. February.
the pic here is of Mercy. On a regular day. Picture this Goat under what they experience as Totally Dire Circumstance. The intensity is Intense. Bless all our hearts. It'll all be memory soon.