a branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time and space.
I think a lot now in the context of what i might want to talk with Emrie about...in the time i will have with her, as she is just going, with her human being ness. What, maybe till she's 10?, 12? Who knows. So a lot now, as i go along, i Re View things. What in my life experience do i believe to be true, to be of value. What matters. She will take it or leave it. Just like 9 year old Julian does now.
a current example: How WE All went forward with Susie's Loom. The genuine happiness this brought. for US. Which led to a lot of thinking about Giving and Receiving. About how i have always been good with the Giving but found any Receiving hard. And as i thought, i went back to all that i studied and learned in the 80's when we would be advised to "just put it out there, Ask the Universe". The persons advising this having great confidence. This led to thinking how for whatever reason, i had never done that. If i wanted something to happen, i would figure out a way that I could make it happen. But to Ask?, no. I sat thinking. What do i believe possible? So i wrote in my stenographer's notebook where i write things....
a shed. I would like a shed, Universe.
and i closed my eyes, hands on my knees, palms up. I visualized the vast whirling space quantum physics tells me about and let it Fly...up into that. the Universe.
I woke the next morning to Michele's comment and then Patty's. I was Startled! Their OH SO Loving Enthusiasm! Could it Be? but immediately took some steps back....and since, have been in constant dialogue , my two minds.... What if? and the dialogue goes....it can't be. What i meant was maybe a posted shed on Craigs list. But here, these two BeautyFull Hearts...all energized....What if? But then i think, no....Susie's Loom was a Need. This shed is not a Need, but a Want. And Susie never asked. She just told me that she was a weaver and had left her loom behind. I offered. She never asked. And the dialogue went on about how you shouldn't Ask for something you don't NEED. So much NEED in this world. the word Selfish arose and right away, i could link all this, the Wanting, the Having to very old childhood experience. Wendy Golden Levitt would love this.
so it's the kind of story i will tell Emrie, ask her what she thinks. Or, maybe by then, i will have learned more and we can talk about it in a different way.
This Cloth above. The two vertical Energies, Spirits are creating the Thing between them Selves. Neither the Vertical Energies or the Thing being created can be known with ordinary mind, but Recognized in some Other way as being Real and as happening. This Cloth, as with the 6 others, so much the influence of Desert. How things there were in bas relief. Singular, rising from sand or rocky expanse. When i moved there, that acre, there was Nothing. Sand. 3 kinds of weed. No tree or bush or rock even. No shelter. Nothing. Here...so different. Where so much of this Hill has existed as it does today for hundreds of years, forming, reforming, A biosphere of reciprocity to the nth degree. As i type this, a Great Electrical Storm....Thunder Man. Maybe the Last Rain of this year. How it feels to become a small part of this Place, to come to feel One with it, to feel it working ON me, tuning me to Its way. The Cloths are now reflecting that. What will they be like now?
today i was drawn down to that creek canal at the bottom of this Hill. Watching the miracle of moving water.
Life is so Big.