up, above Alyssia's hood. See her? in the branches?
They were here later than usual, getting dark, and Talkie, muttering her chicken things outside and i happened to look and NOTICE her in the Morning Tree, out...out the branch over Alyssia's car. The evening before, when Alyssia went to put Emrie in her car seat, Talkie was already there. IN the car seat. The door had been left open and then closed and in the middle of that Talkie had settled into the car seat. She did NOT want to come out. Was PUT out but immediately fluttered in again. Got put out again. As they drove down the Hill, she came to this screen door and battered against...at first i thought it must be Tay doing something crazy and i yelled at her to stop but when i got up to look, it was Talkie, wanting to come IN.
so, here she was. In the branches of the Morning Tree. We called to her, tried to lure her down with crackers. No. She stayed put.
i got up off and on during the night to go out to look, and she was still there. Quiet and Still how chickens get at night, resting on a Y branch. I got up before dawn and watched through the Morning Window and as it became light, i could see her form, still there, exactly. There has been OWLS again. 2, calling back and forth in the night and i didn't know about that. What they might think of a chicken on a branch.
over the weekend we had talked as we worked, wondering where exactly Talkie slept. I kept saying i didn't know. So maybe she was responding to that. HERE. On a branch. But never before in the Morning Tree.
We talk of getting more chickens. She hears this too. Both for ourselves, eggs, and for her, Beings of her species. Goats and a dog and cat are one thing. Others of one's own species might be welcome? We had originally gotten 4 chicks. Talkie made it. If we get more, we would re do the Chicken Palace to keep them IN. We say we would not name them. They would be the Egg Ladies. (not) We have been cavalier with Talkie and Talkie has been an unusual chicken, a FREE RANGE to the Enth Degree Chicken, but how far do you go with that?
just now, as dark came, she went up again. This time even higher.