Prompt: Plant the seed of a beautiful dream
These two are one.
the one from yesterday. I can say that i love it. I can say that it brought to mind that thing from the birth announcements in the local Socorro, New Mexico newspaper. How i would love to see an announcement of a Navajo birth, the Alamo Navajo. They would read much the same as usual but always the sentence....Born FOR. They would speak of the parents of the newborn, the name, and then it would say.....born for the _______clan. Born for maybe the Bear clan. Not born to, but born FOR.
Dine. we, the 5 fingered, are Born FOR. We are woven in. We have purpose, from the very beginning. We belong. We are OF and FOR.
the image from yesterday....Born For. Born For Earth.
then today....the beautiful dream....just a continuation but i would have been able to use this image that Acey sent me. I have been waiting, hoping a prompt would ask for it.
The dream is a longstanding dream that i have Lived to one degree or another, to connect to and work for this Gaia create the heart connection and also the physical manifestation of Planting/Growing/being Fed. Both spirit and body.
It will have to wait until morning to take form as collage. it was ironic that the moment i'd been waiting for coincided with the trip to the laundromat that had been drawing near for days now. OR, really weeks. OR really months. There were NO clean clothes left. Zero. I had planned to go yesterday but Emrie came instead. At dawn this morning i began sorting the stuff into bags. Pulling off all bedding, quilt and comforter. Taking down the Wall Cloth. Off the denim couch cover. And then...just the clothes. The Beauty FULL thing IS....that first laundromat that was SO AWFULL?...Has had a complete makeover. ALL NEW MACHINES. The floors CLEAN. Women WORK there and are cheerful.... !....cheerful, even. so it was a monumental WASH but it got done and i got two trash cans to hold the new feed that Jenny says we need to use and i went to the Feed Store and got 50 lbs of dog food and 50lbs of Goat pellets that Jenny says we need to use and i got back and moved those things. Fed self. Fed Goats. Fed Tay. Fed Talkie her meal worms. To ALL of you, which i think is ALL of you, who have a washing machine in your own home. Place flowers on it. it is a sacred thing, washing. See it as such and be so joyfull it is There...right There. It's the one of many things different here and in my old life. I didn't have a washing machine in my home, but had one for weekly use. it's a first world given. Taken for granted. But...think about it.