Prompt: create a companion because no tree should stand alone.
i immediately knew what to do. I took it literally and went in search of the Medicine Buddha, but there was no Medicine Buddha, I'm not sure which this is, but i will trust. a companion. on the original Tree page. It's Good.
received in Mail....tea bags from Joanne and returning home held them, felt them, and just to my left here at the Everything Table, on the lap of the small buddha were some VERY small cutting scraps and i immediately placed them. As i would VERY small cloth scraps. This is a large step for Collage.
Talkie's molting progresses. Her ?cape?, her neck and shoulder feathers....full and replenished. Head and tail, not so much. We got her meal worms, protein , to help it along.
OOna. one of the two Elder Does. She and Onday. Onday is in a world of her own. OOna remains attached. If you stand still for any small length of time, Oona will be there, standing next to you, mouthing the hem of your jacket. Talkie often stands on her back in the morning. She doesn't mind. Oona is Arctica and Buckwheat's mother....she delivered them the day Jenny first arrived in California years back. She returned to New Mexico. She is here now. Buckwheat was Nogal's sire. Nogal is soft, like her. Arctica is wild like her Buckwheat. We have begun telling Goat stories to refresh and enliven our memories in case any of the breedings "took". We talk about maybe bottle feeding. There's pros and cons.
Went to the MVD today. As i approached the stop sign at the street just before it, out of nowhere, behind me FAST was a California Highway Patrol SUV, ......having a no good license plate, i contracted, small, unidentifiably grey, told Tay to lay down. Ninja. But...ahead, down the street was something going on and many police flashers. Good. They were preoccupied. I proceeded through the stop sign and turned into the MVD parking lot. Waited only one hour and took the test for the second time and PASSED!!!!!! only one wrong!!!!!! LEARN, grace. LEARN. All the imagined possibilities....all of them.....for no good reason. I studied the book and it's done. In two weeks i will have a real driver's license. Which i will be able to renew OnLine ad infinitum till death do us part. I can GO ON. Living. ME. i am ME with an identity provable. How crazy, but also how Great. it's done.
and feeling all Happy i stopped at the automotive place on the way back that the guy on the corner said to go to and told him i needed a carburetor and he said...oh, no. he couldn't. I pushed....why? and he said you can't find one and i said what if i find one and can bring it ? Would you put it on? ok. So. We just go. Some at a time. Bill will find me a carburetor. It will arrive in the mail. Get put on. We will pass the Emissions Requirement, just like i passed the necessary stuff for the Identity. This life is strange but there are ways to navigate. I'll find them.