color not true. they are very orange
it has begun imploding. If i'd seen it at it's peak, this largest one would have been flat and at least 10 inches across.
on the younger ones, the gills are bright colored, but i love looking at this pic
Acey is needing a few days off. No prompt this morning and i feel like i've returned from a parallel universe. Everything has a different quality. We will finish the 30 days in a few days. This card has been next to me all along but i haven't looked at it. It's the kraft paper cards that i'd found just before she offered the Challenge. This one has a little experimental Inktense. I looked today and see there is also now another option. The world is even bigger than it was before.
i got an email from my Belov~ed sister friend Sydney. If you've been around a long time, you might remember her and her daughter Talula. Sydney and Sheila and Talula and Jamie. They have also moved from Polvadera, to Albuquerque. She says she reads Talula the blog as she's drifting off to sleep at night. Talula is somewhere around 14 i think? Is this the most Wonder FULL thing? it is. It's so wonderFULL i keep re~thinking it...think about how BeautyFull a mother and daughter can be.