just light, but steady almost the whole day. Jenny came this morning to bring grass hay for the buck goats, Feed Store not open on Sunday. We walked in the Rain, i showed her all the Chaparral Whitethorn transitioning to Eeyores i had found. As we walked, we found more. As we walked we also found new Whitethorn, especially down at the edge of the A meadow. A very small new one, you say...oh!, a baby, when actually it could easily be many years old. We don't know. Because Rain makes things stand out, we saw many "young" trees of all the kinds this Hill has. so we walked and looked a while but the Rain continued so she went home. This...a piece of wet bark, not sure whose, but so BeautyFull
i stitched. the whole rest of the day. To get the spokes steady so i can keep it here, at the Table, and the bees can begin to come in earnest.